Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Winter Break

Happy Winter Break! School is out for a little while....so what are you doing?

I've been hanging out with family, catching up on some zzz's and getting ready to go skiing! We are going to Colorado and I'm really excited...I'll tell you all about it when I get back :)
 This is actually a picture of me skiing...I know- I'm really good :)

Comment on this post and share about your break with our class!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Ramona Forever

In our story this week Ramona gets "siblingitis." Have you ever had a case of this?! I have! Tell me about a time you had this. What did you do?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Centerfield Ballhawk

In our story this week Jose, the main character, is a really good outfielder- he is even called a ballhawk! Even though he is so good, he is still worried about what his father will think of him if he messes up. Have you ever messed up at a sport or during a performance? What did you do? Were you parents dissapointed? (of course not!)

When I was little I was dancing in a performance on stage and I tripped over someone's foot and fell! It was so embarrassing that I cried when I ran off stage. I'll never forget that experience because I learned that it is ok to mess up :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Talent Show

In our story this week, the characters' class does a talent show! If OUR class did a talent show, what act would you perform and why?!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thank you Sarah!

Thank goodness for Sarah... If it wasn't for her diligence, we wouldn't even have Thanksgiving! Many people enjoy this holiday every year for many reasons; delicious food, friends and family and football of course :) As we learned in our story this week, Sarah Morton fought hard to save this holiday. She convinced Lincoln to make Thanksgiving a national holiday.

If there was another holiday that was going to be taken away which holiday would you fight to save?! why?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Stories Julian Tells

In our story this week, the main characters Julian and Gloria, make a wish kite! When they flew the kite the wishes came true. If you were going to make a wish kite what wishes would you make? Do you think that they would come true?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fantastic Fairy Tales

The Fisherman and His Wife is a famous fairy tale that teaches us an important lesson- don't be greedy! Many fairy tales are written to teach us lessons about life.

One of MY favorite fairy tales is the Ugly Duckling... remember that one?!

(poor little ducky)

The Ugly Duckling teaches us that beauty is more than skin deep and that it is "what is on the inside that counts!" Can YOU think of another fairy tale that you've heard that teaches a lesson? What lesson does it teach us?!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Rosie, A Visiting Dog!

Rosie is such a sweet and good dog ( I wish Jerry had been that way!). What do you think people can learn from Rosie about being a good friend?
This is a guide dog in training...I'd take this little guy home!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Bert's Big Thank You!

Our class participated in Bert's Big Thank You by sending letters to the troops overseas. We are so thankful for all that they do and everything that they have sacrificed to protect our country. We cannot wait for the soldiers to receive our letters and maybe even reply to us!

For more information on Bert's Big Thank You...click here!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Ma, Pa, Mary or Laura?

Who do you think is the most interesting character in the book? Who do you identify with the most? Why!?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Life on the Frontier Trail

Life is rough on the frontier! Mary and Laura had to make their own butter, clothes and dolls! Do you think you would have liked life on the frontier? If so, what would you like about it? If not, why not?

Write back and let me know!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Peace Love and Mustangs!

Welcome to our new class blog! This will be a place for our class to post messages and responses to share with each other. It will be a lot of fun to read what everyone has to say.

Let's get started!!!