Monday, December 5, 2011

Centerfield Ballhawk

In our story this week Jose, the main character, is a really good outfielder- he is even called a ballhawk! Even though he is so good, he is still worried about what his father will think of him if he messes up. Have you ever messed up at a sport or during a performance? What did you do? Were you parents dissapointed? (of course not!)

When I was little I was dancing in a performance on stage and I tripped over someone's foot and fell! It was so embarrassing that I cried when I ran off stage. I'll never forget that experience because I learned that it is ok to mess up :)


  1. I was emmbaressed when I messed up when a ball went through my legs and my dad yelled at me.Evan

  2. My parents were not dissapointed when I messed up on my posting with my horse Diamond. But they did want me to try harder.(YOURS WOULD TO, YOU KNOW!!) Nicole Marie Chastain

  3. When my dad and I went to play catch and I threw the ball to hard but my dad was only a little dissaponted.-from Giles:I

  4. I mest up on my balet reasitel.My mom and dad wernt mad at me.sydneybowers

  5. i would do cheer at my cheer compation if i messed up my coaches and my teamates and my mom and dad and my stepdad would be mad at me

  6. I made a bad throw in baseball and my dad wasn't mad. I do that often.:) Harris

  7. i messed up during soccer by not geting a goal in. my parents were not mad
