Monday, December 15, 2014

Snow Day!!!

I love snow and winter! Snowflakes are not only beautiful but they are fascinating. I have so many memories of playing in the snow. Do you have a specific memory of snow? Tell us about that time. What was so special about it?


  1. I love the snow now that i know about snow flakes they are asome! I hope that it will snow this winter!!!!!!!!!

  2. i remeber macking a big snow man then to deer came
    and ate it's head off the i made it agian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    brian bye

  3. I love catching snowflakes and sleading.And having hot chochlate!!!


    I love snow and winter! Snowflakes are not only beautiful but they are fascinating. I have so many memories of playing in the snow. Do you have a specific memory of snow? Tell us about that time. What was so special about it?

  4. I absolooty love snow! One time my family and I were playing in the snow and made a whole family of snowmen! Then my sister and I spent a entire day drinking hot chocolate and in our sleep clothes! that is the exactomondo thing why I love winter!


  5. Snowflakes are so cool. I like how the desine looks.Thare are NO two snowflakes that look the same.But if thare was to many snowflakes on a hill it causes a avilanch.In a lot they put up snow gates so that avilanches don't fall down a big hill and destroy every thing.

    BY:Logan Ford

  6. A special moment for me was when my brothers and I would play in the snow all day long and it was the best snowy day ever because we would all bond together after we played.


  7. The time i went sleding. I got to do quaddrouple sleding. We even had a snowman contest. Then we had hot choclate and a snack. I'll always remember that moment.
