Monday, November 28, 2011

The Talent Show

In our story this week, the characters' class does a talent show! If OUR class did a talent show, what act would you perform and why?!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thank you Sarah!

Thank goodness for Sarah... If it wasn't for her diligence, we wouldn't even have Thanksgiving! Many people enjoy this holiday every year for many reasons; delicious food, friends and family and football of course :) As we learned in our story this week, Sarah Morton fought hard to save this holiday. She convinced Lincoln to make Thanksgiving a national holiday.

If there was another holiday that was going to be taken away which holiday would you fight to save?! why?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Stories Julian Tells

In our story this week, the main characters Julian and Gloria, make a wish kite! When they flew the kite the wishes came true. If you were going to make a wish kite what wishes would you make? Do you think that they would come true?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fantastic Fairy Tales

The Fisherman and His Wife is a famous fairy tale that teaches us an important lesson- don't be greedy! Many fairy tales are written to teach us lessons about life.

One of MY favorite fairy tales is the Ugly Duckling... remember that one?!

(poor little ducky)

The Ugly Duckling teaches us that beauty is more than skin deep and that it is "what is on the inside that counts!" Can YOU think of another fairy tale that you've heard that teaches a lesson? What lesson does it teach us?!